Who We Are

The address of our website is: https://xcl.digital


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The trackers on this site aim to utilize statistics for analyzing web traffic and user behavior.

Embedded Media from Other Sites

Articles on this site may include embedded content such as videos, images, articles, etc. Embedded content from other sites behaves exactly as if the visitor were visiting the other site.

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Privacy Policy

At XCL, privacy and security are priorities, and we are committed to transparency in the handling of personal data of our users/customers. Therefore, this Privacy Policy establishes how the collection, use, and transfer of information from customers or other individuals who access or use our website is conducted.

By using our services, you understand that we will collect and use your personal information in the ways described in this Policy, under the provisions of the Federal Constitution of 1988 (Art. 5, LXXIX; and Art. 22, XXX – added by EC 115/2022), the Data Protection laws (LGPD, Federal Law 13.709/2018), the consumer protection provisions of Federal Law 8078/1990, and other applicable laws within the Brazilian legal system.

Thus, XCL CONSULTORIA EM TECNOLOGIA DA INFORMAÇÃO EIRELI, hereinafter referred to simply as “XCL,” registered under CNPJ/MF no. 27.097.381/0001-25, in the capacity of Data Controller, commits to the provisions of this Privacy Policy.

What Data Do We Collect About You and for What Purpose?

Our website collects and uses certain personal data about you in order to facilitate the provision of services and enhance the user experience.

1.1. Personal Data Provided by the Owner

1.2. Automatically Collected Personal

2.How Do We Collect Your Data?

In this regard, the collection of your personal data occurs as follows:

2.1. Consent

We process your personal data based on your consent. Consent is the free, informed, and unequivocal manifestation by which you authorize XCL to process your data.

Thus, in accordance with the General Data Protection Law, your data will only be collected, processed, and stored with prior and express consent.

Your consent will be obtained specifically for each purpose described above, reflecting XCL’s commitment to transparency and good faith towards its users/customers, following relevant legislative regulations.

By using XCL’s services and providing your personal data, you acknowledge and consent to the provisions of this Privacy Policy, as well as being aware of your rights and how to exercise them.

At any time and at no cost, you may revoke your consent.

It is important to note that revoking consent for data processing may result in the inability to properly perform certain functionalities of the site that depend on its operation. Such consequences will be communicated in advance.

3.What Are Your Rights?

XCL ensures its users/customers their rights as data subjects as provided in Article 18 of the General Data Protection Law. Therefore, you may, free of charge and at any time: